National Life Insurance Awareness Month

The self proclaimed leader in online memorial crowdfunding boasts that it has raised over $330 million through 125,000 memorial fundraisers annually. That’s an average of $2,640 per memorial fund raised. Is that enough?

We know all too well how fast life can change, and we’re here to help you prepare your clients and their families for the day they’ll need it the most. September is Life Insurance Awareness Month, and we’ve put together a collection of helpful resources you can use when talking to clients about life insurance, including fliers, videos, infographics and more. 

Reach out to your Advisor Development Consultant to get a copy of this kit today.

Carrier Updates

Check our Carrier Updates page for the latest news and announcements, including links to resources, webinars and helpful documents. 

MYGA Report

Our MYGA Report also gives you an up-to-date look at the highest interest rate guarantees available through InsurMark.