Simplicity Advanced Sales Training March 5-7th in Minneapolis
Setting the Foundation for Sales Success, Master the Art of Communication, Maximize your Event Marketing ROI, Perfect the First Appointment Process and much more. This event is highly recommend by all of those that have attended so far. Many have attended this training multiple times.

Reach out to your Advisor Development Consultant to see how you can qualify to attend. Event is filling up fast.


Athene Ascent Pro Bonus

Athene announces recent payout increases on Ascent Pro Bonus that went into effect on 1/06/25

Athene is now positioned very well with immediate Guaranteed Income, outperforming several top carriers in that space. Combine this with their strong track record of index performance, and it becomes a very compelling proposition.

Reach out to your Advisor Development Consultant for the Athene PDF. “Comparing retirement income strategies.” Deciding how to turn a lifetime of savings into a retirement income is one of the more complex decision people make.


Simplicity is home to a world-class studio, Studio One, that delivers custom video production and customizable educational videos that can be leveraged on advisor websites, social media accounts, at events, and in office.

Simplicity’s world-class studio helps advisors produce high-end videos that enable them to differentiate themselves as business professionals and subject-matter experts while engaging their target audience with meaningful educational content.

Custom Video production with compliance-approved scripts.

Contact your Advisor Development Consultant to learn how to schedule a time with our Video professionals in Houston.


Regulatory Training Deadlines – Suitability Regulations

  • California (CA): Advisors must complete the state-specific 8-hour training by July 1, 2025, to comply with the NAIC Model for Suitability.
  • Nebraska (NE): Advisors are required to finish the 4-hour training by May 15, 2025.

Ensure you meet these deadlines to remain compliant and continue serving clients effectively in these regions.

Carrier Updates

Check our Carrier Updates page for the latest news and announcements, including links to resources, webinars and helpful documents. 

MYGA Report

Our MYGA Report also gives you an up-to-date look at the highest interest rate guarantees available through InsurMark.