Demystify and Simplify Tax Planning

Did you miss our webinar last week on “De-mystify and simplify Tax Planning?” You can still catch a replay!

95% of affluent families expect tax planning advice from their financial advisors. Only 25% say they are receiving it. That spells opportunity. 


  • Scan a tax return and get a personalized tax report in seconds.
  • Turn a tax planning “second opinion” into new clients.
  • Generate tax projections and identify tax savings opportunities over the next five years!
  • Download custom tax reports to share with clients and other advisors.
  • Create tax-saving scenarios using Roth conversions, life insurance, charitable strategies, and more.
  • Convert your cold leads and warm clients into hot new tax planning opportunities.

Carrier Updates

Check our Carrier Updates page for the latest news and announcements, including links to resources, webinars and helpful documents. 

MYGA Report

Our MYGA Report also gives you an up-to-date look at the highest interest rate guarantees available through InsurMark.