Life Insurance Awareness Month with Policygenius Pro

Find out how much Policygenius Pro can help you save time and increase revenue by outsourcing your term business. This turnkey system can streamline your life business with a simple link on your website that clients can initiate themselves, which means a more efficient application process and easier communication with your client database.

Find out more about this program from our life team or your Advisor Development Consultant today.

Helping clients understand life insurance better with Ensight

The software will help you connect with clients through storytelling and capture their attention, while also spending less time on numbers and more time building a dynamic solution that will drive growth in your practice and create a quicker new business cycle.

Check out this sample presentation that you can use to show your client how that can protect and maximize their legacy with tax-advantaged life insurance and a quick highlight video of the software so you can see it in action.

Carrier Updates

Check our Carrier Updates page for the latest news and announcements, including links to resources, webinars and helpful documents. 

MYGA Report

Our MYGA Report also gives you an up-to-date look at the highest interest rate guarantees available through InsurMark.