$200,000 in 90 Seconds

Are you satisfied with how many new clients you’ve added in the last 12 months? If you would like to gain more new client traction and spend less time doing so, this is a webinar you will NOT want to miss.

Getting Social Security right is a big deal. Over 70% of pre-retirees would switch advisors to get their desired advice. Since 93% of Americans surveyed last year failed to identify the key factors that determine their benefits; we are providing a great value add. And 83% didn’t know what the “full retirement age” is.

If you’re ready to learn how to go beyond traditional Social Security planning and turn these high-intent buyers into new clients, then don’t miss our next Business Alpha webinar “$200,000 in 90 seconds“. This will be a “process training event” meaning that since technology does the planning, now you can focus on the business-building process.

You can expect to come away with a new framework for converting prospects into meetings, and converting meetings into new clients.

Join us Wednesday, June 14th at 11:00 AM Central!

Carrier Updates

Check our Carrier Updates page for the latest news and announcements, including links to resources, webinars and helpful documents. 

MYGA Report

Our MYGA Report also gives you an up-to-date look at the highest interest rate guarantees available through InsurMark.